
Drásání je technika vhodná nejen při rekonstrukci historických a starších objektů, ale je oceňována jako designový prvek také u novostaveb.

Drásání dřeva lze provádět v podstatě u jakékoliv dřeviny. To zároveň neznamená, že k tomu skutečně tak dochází a že jsou všechny druhy dřeva k drásání vhodné. Pokud se podíváme na to, jaké jsou nejlepší, jedná se obvykle o měkké dřeviny. Právě ty mohou nabídnout celkovou jednoduchost při opracování.

Jedná se především o:

  • Smrk
  • Borovice
  • Modřín
Book our Roofing services by calling at: 555–123–2323
Cost starts at:$899.00
Minimal Duration: 1h 20m
Having a roof over your head is a great thing… unless it needs to be repaired or replaced! Whenever you will need us to do either of those, on par with skylights installing, chimneys or rain gutters cleaning or any other rooftop or a shingles related fix – we’ll be at your service!

People always seem to be glad, when the rain stops dropping through their roof!

My company is located in a small commercial office building, inhabited by just a handful of businesses. So when the big storm happened, we were all shocked to see the roof being broken and leaking… But thanks to an emergency roof repairing service, done by these guys, we are all now dry and sound again!
Nigel Farage
- June 10, 2016
After a recent hurricane coming from the Pacifics, my cottage’s rooftop was quite literally blown away! Whenever I tried to call other specialists, they told me humongous numbers as a price of repair works or promised a way too long schedule… Naturally, when these guys came in, fixed it all within 2 days and charged little, I was uber happy!
Theresa May
- June 14, 2016
I own a little manufacturing company that owns and works at just one mid-sized plant in California… So when a storm came in and made my roof damaged, naturally all our production has been halted. These guys were the heroes, who save the day, saved my business from a severe downtime and helped us all be safe & operating again!
Boris Johnson
- June 9, 2016

Full List of Our Roofing & Related Services:





